Happy New Year! This year I decided to venture into something new, and start designing my own patterns. It allows me to stay home and care for our children. It has also given me the blessing of homeschooling my 7 year old Bella.
I have come a long way in my crochet journey. I started crocheting 9 years ago. A lovely friend Maria Santos taught me how. I am beyond blessed that she took the time to teach me, and encourage me. I never knew 9 years ago that it would turn into a passion as well as a way to financially contribute to my family. This is the first blanket I ever made! It was one of my first projects. Maria was a great teacher! She is amazing friend. I am so thankful she taught me how to crochet.

As my crochet journey continued, I realized I could turn this into a business if I tried. This beautiful lady in the picture with me is my very dear friend Rebecca Ann Ivy Gorrell. I wouldn’t be where I am without her! We met at craft fairs and became friends. She appreciates and encourages me with my talent. She came and requested toys to match the characters in her books. It was an idea she had. I had no idea this would lead me into finding my niche and sticking with it instead of making everything.

Rebecca is a local author in Sherwood, AR. Her business is called The House of Ivy! Her books are available on Amazon as well as in person. We have all of her books except for the newest one which we will be getting soon. All of her stories are amazing!
With Covid happening right now, the easiest place to find the books is on Amazon. You can follow her on Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/RebeccaAnnIvy Here is the link to her books on Amazon! https://www.amazon.com/Rebecca-Ann-Ivy/

When I started making crochet toys to match the characters in Rebecca’s books, I ended up changing some of the patterns that would work better. Sometimes I would even add a new feature to the pattern I was using. This was the start of designing for me even though I didn’t realize it at the time. I especially made changes to make the bee hive to be open instead of stuffed. I added different hair styles to the bees. Byrd of play I changed a few things as well. I found by creating these toys to match her books, that I love making amigurumi! It is my favorite thing to make. My 7 year old, Bella, loves to do the snuggle test. Both girls love to help come up with new design ideas from what to make to what colors I should make them in. They also love to take styling photos with my creations.

I continue to enjoy crocheting, and also connecting with customers at events. One of my favorite things at events is watching children pick out their favorite toy, and watching them play with it through the building as their parents/grandparents finish shopping. I miss those times this last year with Covid. I decided this new year to connect in a different way and expand my customers. At the same time, I decided to challenge myself to start designing my own toy line. This is exciting, and I can’t wait to see where this adventure takes our family! Be on the lookout for our next blog post with our first custom design! Thank you for stopping by and reading our blog post!

Until next time, take care and stay safe!
Creative Snugglies