Welcome back for Part 7 of the Teddy CAL! Today we are finishing up our teddies! Thank you for joining for this Crochet Along! If you missed any of the other parts, then click here to main CAL round up page. I have decided not to go live anymore unless someone posts a question or I want to show you a certain type of stitch. Please come over to Creative Snugglies Designs Facebook Community to share your photos and ask any questions you may have. I always love seeing people’s photos of their project.
If you would like to save this CAL for later, then save this pin to your favorite Pinterest board so you can find it easily.

The text only version is available on my blog. If you would like to purchase the premium pattern which features step-by-step instructions with photo tutorials throughout the pattern, please click the button below.
Materials Needed for Part 7
You will only need a yarn needle and maybe some extra yarn to sew pieces together.
Assembly Instructions:
Pull the dress over the body lining up the stitches of the last round of body and the first round of the dress pulling tail of the body out.

Attach arms where the dress starts under the head on each side round 1 and 2 of the dress.
Attach legs on each side of the bottom of the body between rounds 2-6 approximately.
Congrats you have made a lovely Spring Bear! Thank you for joining me for this Crochet Along! Please come share your pictures of your teddy in my CAL group!

Happy Crocheting!